Keep it simple.
Life has been chaotic. Well actually when the fuck is it not?! Being an engineer, I work 8-10 hours per week day and weekends when needed. I have to make sure I stay sane by taking care of myself. So I keep it simple. I create a routine per season that brings me back to me. So I make sure I get a workout in, either in the morning or evening. All depending on if my body isn’t so drained. Sitting that long and paying all my attention on not messing up a calculation or forgetting to call out a detail on some drawings, is very exhausting. I am sure most of you can relate. Well to work just, overall being exhausting.
That is why, when I get home. I do my best on keeping it simple. I focus on my routine. I throw on my active/lounge wear. I pour myself another cup of water and eat if I forgot to during work. Then I write and pour myself another cup of water while listening to jazz music playing loudly on my TV. I do this all while Honey, my dog, lays by my side. Like literally, she always needs to be right up next to my leg laying on the couch when I get home. She is adorable!
Next, I jump on my peloton after my weight training session to get my cardio in. I would love to go for a walk or jog but it is way too hot to be walking out here in Cincinnati at the moment. It is summer and the sun plus humidity takes the life out of me after just a mile walk. After the cardio, I cool off then jump into the shower and get ready to unwind. Which means, I put water to boil to drink my camomile tea and take out my current reading book. And well that is that, simple.
It is always the simple things that brings me meaning to life. So if you are feeling the chaos, make yourself a routine that works for you. Keep it simple.