
You want to do something. It could be anything. For example, buying a new car even though you already have one that runs perfectly, is cute, and completely paid off!

You tell someone that you plan to sell it and buy a new car that is more to your liking, which also costs so much more. That will result to a monthly payment that you never had to pay before. Plus, a possible increase in insurance as well. And you ask them what they think? Then their opinion is, you shouldn’t. “Why would you replace something that has nothing wrong with it?! You’re crazy! Spend your money in something else.”

Then you start to realize - well that’s their opinion and you could do whatever you want. Regardless, everyone ends up doing whatever they want. And well so should you! Then why do we ask for others’ opinions?

Everyone has a right to their opinions and at the end of the day, your actions based on your opinions will create the life you want. Yeah, it definitely is good to ask for the opinion of others that has lived and know certain things don’t matter but that’s also because they already lived. They probably already had the fun or getting themselves a sexy new car, house, etc. ( whatever fills their life with excitement and fun)

Others may never understand the lifestyle you want to create for yourself and that’s okay. Do what brings you happiness. Do what brings you joy day in and day out. Do it for you, because no one else will. Work hard and go for the life you want to live. Everyone will have an opinion if you had asked them or not.


Emergency surgery.

