Was school worth it?

Questions many kids ask themselves after graduating high school is school or no school? Debt or no debt?

Many kids nowadays are more likely to go to an university and graduate. But others still don’t believe continued education is needed to be successful in life.

There are amazing stories of individuals that didn’t have the opportunity nor option to go to school. I mean, elementary school for starters. Yet, they were still able to become extremely successful business owners and entrepreneurs. But that came from the struggle of needing to survive and provide for their family. And many people, now, more than ever don’t know what it is to work towards something long enough to be successful.

Today I thought to share the many benefits of school that others don’t see. Not only does school help you learn about the many fields you can possibly one day work in, it also teaches you more about yourself. Your strengths and weakness. Your likes and dislikes. The way you work best. It also makes you learn how to communicate with people from all walks of life. You have the opportunity to network, which is the best way to create job opportunities in whatever it is you want to do in life.

Not going to school and going straight into the work force will make it so much more difficult to ever get to network with others that aspire for more. Most importantly, it will take you much longer to understand yourself. In my opinion, you are not just paying for your education but also for the variety of opportunities that come with being a student. You get challenged in ways that you would probably never have had before. And that is what makes you grow. I wouldn’t be where I am today without choosing to continue to educate myself. Choose what is best for you.




Struggles & Success