My favorite color

At this moment of my life my favorite color is a medium/dark forest green. It brings me comfort and peace. It reminds me of nature and how beautiful and organic it all is. It brings me calmness knowing it will continue to grow regardless of its circumstances. Green is also the universal symbol to move forward.

To be honest, I haven’t thought about my favorite color in awhile. I couldn’t decide nor have the space nor time to really think about it. Not saying anyone needs to just have one favorite color. But I typically do.

This is when I knew something isn’t right. How is it that I couldn’t figure what color was my favorite? When did I stop paying attention to myself? When did I lose myself? I can’t even remember what are the things that bring me back to my life. Turns out the ways I use to get back myself aren’t working. I am having a difficult time connecting with myself. My mind is constantly thinking of the next thing I must do. When all I should be doing is “being with me.”

I know this is just a temporary period in my life. Well I hope. It scares me that I spend most of my focus on my career and not on myself. Oh, how I miss the silence.


Is it the weather?


No one is you.