The“It Girl”

The “it girl” does the following…

  • 7k-10k step daily

  • workout 3/4 x week

  • drink at least 8 full cups of water daily

  • Mediate/ journal daily

  • Read a book of your liking for 10-15 mins daily

  • Eat a clean and balanced diet daily

  • Take your daily vitamins daily

AND lastly she brings home a new fresh bouquet of flowers every week because everyone knows that is the sign she has her shit together.

Well I don’t want to be an “it girl” I want to be a “me, girl.” I know its just a phrase but I rather be the best version of myself and not a better version of anyone else. I want to live my life doing the things I love while being able to spend my time with the people I love.

Yes, all the, “it girl” to dos are a great way to live life, for sure! But it really does make me feel unaccomplished when my daily to dos don’t allow me the luxury to be able to do the, “it girl” to dos. I have to be realistic, I work a full time job that is taxing on me mentally and physically. So I do the, “me girl” to dos and some more. From that I have learned that I need to be kinder to myself. I create a schedule that allows me to do what I can to feel accomplished. And that’s that.

Have you thought about the “me girl” or person you are? What do you want? Well don’t be too worry if you haven’t you still have the rest of your life to figure it out. However, whatever you do in life, I hope you can look in the mirror and see your happiest self looking back.


Me at a bar

