
28 years of life. That’s how long I have existed in this space we call the world. I am still so young, yet I feel as if I am much older. Well that really has to do with the challenges I had to face at a young age. But I know. I have many years of life to live through ahead of me.

Sometimes I just go through the cycle of the day to day and forget how much I have overcome. I didn’t have it easy. Who has? My siblings and others may have a different perspective because they also had it hard. The thing is no one knows my life because it wasn’t theirs to live.

Death, abuse, abandonment, heartbreak. I am grateful because I survived all of it. I am still here. Sometimes I wonder how it is that I am still here. At 28, I have overcame many challenges and I am stronger, smarter, and resilient because of them.

I am grateful for having the individuals in my life that I get to call, “my family.” I am grateful for those who have hurt me because they forced to become stronger. They helped me to become stronger. I am grateful for the love I have. I am grateful for the man who walked in one day to order a cup of coffee. For the opportunities I have. For the lifestyle I have and am able to maintain. I am grateful for getting the choice to live as I desire. I am grateful for being able to work towards anything I want. I am grateful for that privilege.

At 28, I see what changes need to be made within my life. I see who I am more clearly. I care less and less about what people that aren’t in my circle think about me. I know my job isn’t to judge, my job is to do my best to be a good person. Everything else will line up for me. This is my life. God will be my only judge.


Fake love.


100 miles