Beginnings & endings

There is a beginning and an end to all things in life. That being relationships, friendships, routines, careers, beliefs etc. Beginnings can be hard. It’s unknown territory. Endings can be hard. We can be so comfortable with what we are use to.

Yes, they are both necessary to expect and overcome or else life would be the same dull story day in and day out. Unless you are happy with that, that’s great. But in my opinion, living life settling isn’t living at all. I crave to find the things that bring the best out of me. The things that give me purpose and make me feel like life is worth the hardships.

There comes a time that what you are doing isn’t working for you anymore. You keep trying to make it work but you know you are lying to yourself. You stay in a relationship, friendship, career etc. trying to please everyone else but yourself.

The time will come when life will give you a sign and everything will fall into place for you. Believe in yourself. Believe everything happens for a reason.


Go with the flow.


Is it the weather?