Distractions, where?
We scroll on our phones. We turn on the tv as soon as we get home. We get constant notifications from whatever device we own. We are constantly taken away from the present. Then we begin to wish we had more time to be the person we want to be. The person that goes for a walk, gets a good workout in before dinner, reads a chapter of their book before bed, and goes to sleep before 10 pm in order to become 1% better the next day.
How do we stop from being distracted? It is simple af. Stop focusing on everyone else and start focusing on you! Start putting yourself first. Focus on improving every aspect of your life. Make time for yourself. That way when you look in the mirror you can see yourself come to life instead of watching everyone else live the life you desire.
Personally, I have the least amount of notications allowed on my phone because I hate them. I also hate texting. But that is not the point here. My point is, you have control over what you give your time to. You have control over your actions. You have control over so many aspects of your life. Don’t allow yourself to get distracted by society. Focus on what is important…Yourself.