Energy says it all.
People say they wish the best for you but then you feel the opposite from their energy. It could really just be that they wished they knew how to do what you do and they are upset with themselves which results in them being envious of you. We have to protect our energy. We cannot let their own self doubt make us feel guilty. It is not my fault that you aren’t happy with your life. It is no ones but your own responsibility to make yourself happy.
All that being said, be picky about the people you surround yourself with. Protect yourself from people that are bringing you bad energy. Even those that you love and you know they love you. Sometimes it is just best to step away, not just for yourself but for them. There is so much you can tell them or show them. They must find their own way to their happiness.
You literally become your environment. Keep the people that bring you healthy energy and show you what true love is.